Monday, December 12, 2016

End of Year Reckoning

This past year I worked on several sewing projects (many not pictured, or rather, featured in a post, alas!). Though I didn't create anything on the scale of my 18th century stays and dress, I completed just as many pieces, even branching out into the late 20th century -- not just the 1910s this time.

A vest I made from an early 1970s pattern
This year, I tried making a few things for other people as well - I managed trousers for my sister Morag and a skirt for my sister Heather:

Heather in a skirt from a pattern by Decades of Style

I've also worked on a lot of writing this year. There's no visible way of showing that, alas, though I know I've written at least 81,000 words, which is quite a lot.

A skirt I made from the same pattern that included the above vest. 

Since last November, I've also been working on Kayla Itsines Beach Body Guide, thanks to my sister-in-law April. I've not perhaps been as vigorous with it as I should, but I have lost twenty pounds in about a year's time. I've never been a proponent of working out, and I still don't like the idea of gyms, but that's what I liked so much about this programme. It gave me time to still look after my nieces, and write and sew and all the rest of it.

2016 has been a crazy year for all of us, but I am grateful for the things I've learned, and the opportunity, in the year to come, to continue to learn and create.


  1. You HAVE been amazing this year, and can be proud of all you've accomplished, and how lovely you look in your Own Creations!

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