Thursday, November 10, 2022

Boulder Utah Trip: Part One

Driving towards the petroglyph site

This past weekend, Nick and I joined my sister Beccah, my brother Jared & Sister-in-law April, and my niece for a lovely trip to southern Utah. When I lived with Jared & April, they started going down to Boulder, and this is the first time I'd been to that area. It was beautiful, that goes without saying. Even though it's November, during the day it was sunny and warm, and when it cooled down at night, we were able to take advantage of the hot tub where we were staying. Nick and I almost didn't end up joining my siblings, but I'm so glad we did.

Before we went down, Nick found a trail that led to some petroglyphs. It wasn't a long hike, but it felt full of adventure. It was so quiet and we had the place to ourselves. 

Closeups of the petroglyphs. We were so close to them we could touch them!

Someone in the past had tried to cut them off of the side of the rock. We were all appalled by this. Luckily they didn't succeed, but the scarring sight of their attempt is sad to see. 

I love this spiral shape.

There was also a panel called 'A Hundred Hands' that was higher up. We couldn't reach it, but it was still really exciting to see. I wish we could understand the symbolism behind these ancient images. 

Lucy and me.

The 'Hundred Hands' panel. 

We were so enchanted by the beauty of the place, and the perfect, blue sky.

It felt so good to be out in the desert, and to be together sharing this wonderful experience.

Nick & I admiring the view.

This was a great spot for shouting...

...and hearing an echo.

The third panel we found, the "Shaman Panel". So much going on here! I love the figures, the bird tracks, the dots leading to the animal. So mysterious and beautiful. 

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