Sadly, like most passions, costuming takes quite a bit of money. For circa 1920s-1950s there are quite a lot of fairly close replicas out there for $40 or so. But they're cheaply made, and sometimes, quite uncomfortable.
The charming and talented Royal Vintage Shoes is the perfect answer to this. They collect perfect shoes from the '20s-'50s that are high quality and accurate. They also produce their own shoes which are *gorgeous*. I'll show an example of some below:
Eve Art Deco Sandals
Marilyn 1940s Pumps
They are more expensive, undoubtedly. But they're worth it! They're made with real leather and the quality is undeniably excellent. There is also a lot of research behind them. Some other advantages include pre-order discounts (which is going on right now -- through the 10th of August) and layaway plans!
There's also an awesome give-away going on right now!
Their joint company, American Duchess also has drool-worthy shoes from earlier eras, Renaissance through the 1910s. I know I'm preaching to the choir to those of you who visit this site who already historical costumers. But if there are any new-comers here, I hope you'll see the light as I eventually did, and start your collection of perfect, beautiful vintage shoes!